This weeks testimonial is from an Ocean College trainee, about their time on TS Pelican:
It was an unforgettable trip that I would recommend to anyone.
All the people in charge did a great job organizing everything. The trip was a perfect fit for my part of life. The places were great, the experience even better. You got to know beautiful places and experienced unique things. Not to forget the things you learned about yourself, others, the ship or the countries.
A big thank you again to the Ocean College team and of course the crew and teachers.It might be tough, lack of sleep, taking part in the watch-system, pulling ropes, taking the helm, climbing the mast(s) - but you can be sure when leaving the Pelican at your final port of call you will feel like a sailor, or rather you will BE a sailor - go for it!
If you have a testimonial from your time on TS Pelican please email or dm us!