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Pelican Maintenance Period

September 27, 2023 - October 14, 2023

From the 27th of September until the 14th of August the Pelican will have a short maintenance period to ensure that she is in good condition for her next transatlantic voyage this winter.

If you're interested in volunteering for maintenance in the future, please fill in this form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=yQHT-JvftE6cnT4UbJwUW2o5WEAEXyFCsWmLqKCqOkRUQUUzMUw4RVBJN1ZUVjFKRFpMVUY2SzZCTS4u 


September 27, 2023
October 14, 2023
Seas Your Future is the operating name of Adventure Under Sail,
Charity 1124276, VAT 174919961.

For more information contact:

T: +44 (0) 1305 839835