Sea Bird Datasets being gathered by Darwin200 Young Scientists for Sea Watch Foundation for Marine Mammals, and The British Trust for Ornithology


Sea Bird Datasets being gathered by Darwin200 Young Scientists for Sea Watch Foundation for Marine Mammals, and The British Trust for Ornithology

This video, filmed by Jordan Conroy, of Darwin200 voyage young scientists, shares their bird observation activity as Pelican of London is being helmed by Sailing Trainee, Luke!
According to the British Trust of Ornithology, Sea birds have suffered a 30% decline in the past 2 decades, so it’s very important that we know where these birds are to be able to inform conservation efforts.
On the 19th May the Scientists took a Sea Bird watch to begin the science for leg 1 whilst sailing from Folkestone to Poole.
Their main findings included observing:
- Lots of Diving Gannets off-shore
- Gulls and Guillemots
- Migrating Swallows
The Scientists mentioned that it was very interesting spotting Swallows out of sight of land as they are not known as a Sea Bird in particular. The Scientists decided the reasoning for this was probably due to the Swallows migrating to Africa for the summer.
On our Darwin200 voyage, Sea Bird and Sea Mammal watches will be done as much as possible to generate large sets of data, in all the places we travel to/pass by, so that we can report back findings to Sea Watch Foundation for Marine Mammals and the British Trust for Ornithology.
@seasyourfuture @citytosea_ @darwin200_

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T: +44 (0) 1305 839835