Sail Training Ireland's Start to the Summer Programme on Pelican


Sail Training Ireland's Start to the Summer Programme on Pelican

With the excitement of the onboard training, practicing the up and overs and the addition of a lightening display. Pelican has made her way to the Isle of Man.

Today's blog is from Maria Albert of Main Watch Today:

I woke up at 6:40am for galley duty. I had a cup of tea and breakfast then did the washing up. Afterwards was a crew meeting, then we did some training. First we did steering with Gonzo. We learnt all the different orders and how to respond accordingly, it was definitely something new but we all got the hang of it pretty quickly! We also learnt a few terms for lookout such as ”dead astern and on the port beam”.

Then we did some rope work with Janice, we learned how to ease and coil rope which would be very useful not too much later when we started moving the boat. At 10:30 we started getting the Pelican ready to leave Dublin. It was really exciting when we started moving!

We anchored at 12:30 at the same time as lunch. We had soup and bread then afterwards we learned how to put on our safety harnesses because we were climbing up the rigging! It was so much fun even though it looked a bit scary! After some rest I was working in the galley again and setting up the mess hall for dinner. We had sausages, chips and broccoli for dinner. After dinner I cleaned the mess hall. That was when the sails started being set. We helped set one of the sails by pulling and easing the different ropes.

It was amazing to see it unfurl, we really felt like part of a crew!

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T: +44 (0) 1305 839835