sail setting and handing

Outer Jib 

To set: Ease furling line and haul leeward sheet, make sure weather sheet is free to pay out. 

To hand: Ease leeward sheet and haul on furling line. Pay out leeward sheet at the same rate as furling line keeping even tension. Ensure weather sheet is free to run. 

Jib / Staysail 

To set: Remove gaskets around sail.  Ensure sheets are overhauled.  Ease downhaul while hauling on halyard.  Haul leeward sheet, and then tighten up on whip. 

To hand: Ease off whip.  Ease halyard while hauling on downhaul.  Overhaul sheets.  Re-gasket sail. 


To Set: Remove gaskets.  Free preventer. Overhaul vangs.  Overhaul sheets.  Haul on throat halyard, then peak halyard.  Keep throat higher than the peak. 

Keep hauling throat halyard until luff is tight.  Then haul on peak halyard until sail is tight. Haul on lee sheet and ease of peak to trim sail. Make up vangs and preventer. 

 To hand: Ease preventer.  Haul on windward sheet to centre boom.  Ease off peak until gaff horizontal.  Ease off throat and peak together.  Horizontal gaff descends. Evenly.  Flake sail onto boom.  Beware descending gaff.  Gasket sail down onto boom. Coil preventer and vangs.  


To set: Undo gaskets so sail hangs in its gear.  Cast off clews and buntlines. Haul on the windward tack and leeward sheet then adjust using windward sheet and leeward tack as necessary. Use windward tack tackle to board down (trim) windward tack when braced sharp up. If yards are square, haul on sheets only then adjust using tacks until clews are under yard.  

 To hand: Ease tacks and sheets.  Haul on clews / buntlines until sail is in its gear. Sea stow or Harbour stow. (Gaskets tying sail to yard.) 


To set: Undo gaskets. Sail hangs in its gear.  Cast off clews and buntlines.  Haul away on sheets.  

To hand: Ease sheets. Haul on clew / buntlines until sail is in its gear. Sea stow or Harbour stow. (Gaskets tying sail to yard.) 


To set: Undo gaskets. Sail hangs in its gear.  Cast off clews and buntlines.  Haul away on sheets.  Windward sheet hauled fully home to harden up windward leech. 

To hand: Ease sheets. Haul on clew / buntlines until sail is in its gear. Sea stow or Harbour stow. (Gaskets tying sail to yard.) 


To set: Undo gaskets, sail hangs in its gear.  Tend braces.  Cast off clew / buntlines. Haul on sheets, make fast when tight.  Haul on royal halyard until royal yard is at further most masthead point.  Trim sail using windward sheet to harden up windward leech. 

To hand: Tend royal braces. Ease away royal halyard to allow yard to descend. Gently haul on clews and wiggle braces to lower yard.  When yard is in its lifts, cast off sheets and haul on clew / buntlines. Sea stow or Harbour stow. (Gaskets tying sail to yard.) 


To set: Undo gaskets.  Run preventer to leeward and secure.  Ease off sheets.  Ease off vangs.  Position boom on leeward side, degree depends on wind.  Secure preventer on lee side.  Haul on topping lift.  When boom chain is completely slack, secure topping lift.  Cast off brailles, haul on clew out haul.  When sail is halfway out (triangle shape) haul on tack downhaul.  Check vangs. 

Continue hauling on clew outhaul, brailles overhauled, until clew block is at end of the boom. Ease off topping lift in sharp action to pull sail down and trim using sheets.  Ensure preventer is adjusted and secure. Check vangs. 

To hand: Ease the clew outhaul and haul on the leeward brailles leading with the throat Braille making sure they don’t overlap. Ease the tack downhaul.  Position the boom accordingly, remember to tend the vangs and preventer. Stow bottom of sail with gaskets.

Spanker Topsail 

To set: Roll sail up into long sausage.  Tie cotton wool around the sausage in bands.  Attach the halyard to the head of the sail.  Attach downhaul to the tack of the sail.  Ensure the sheets are correctly led.  Haul on halyard to hoist sail into position.  Tighten up luff using downhaul.  Haul on leeward sheet / clew outhaul to break wool and set sail. 

To hand: Attention toward radio aerials is required.  Sail Catches on VHF aerial on STB side on descent. Ease the sheet / outhaul. Ease the halyard while hauling on downhaul. 

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