Thank you for visiting this page in which we are sharing our planned sailing programme for the April to October 2022 period. After the cancellations throughout the global pandemic we are all so looking forward to 2022 and beyond, to what we hope will be a normal year for us! And it is going to be a packed year as well.
Pelican is currently sailing our 2021/22 Ocean College winter voyage, and when she returns in April 2022 we hope that she will be sailing a 7-10 voyage in early April from Folkestone to Bristol, and then after drydock and maintenance in early May she will begin a series of voyages in partnership with our great friends at Sail Training Ireland.
We have two Sea Festivals currently planned, in Bristol in mid-July, and in Barrow -in-Furness Cumbria in early August. During the first two weeks of August we will be sailing two 7-day voyages from Barrow probably visiting the Isle of Man, and we are working with a local community planning committee to fill these voyages with youngsters from Barrow and South Lakeland, but there may be some spaces available, so do please keep following us for announcements.
During the second half of August we will be sailing a collaborative 12-day voyage in partnership with Sail Training Ireland, with some places available in a similar way to the 7-day voyage in August 2021 on what was a super voyage for 14—18 year olds. We are currently applying for funding to meet up to half the costs, and once this is secured we will be inviting applications – so watch this space and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn - if you don’t want to miss out!
For September we will be sailing with Ocean College and other partners, before our 2022-23 Winter Voyage, which is already 100% oversubscribed!
We may have a couple of short voyages in June and July where we are currently awaiting confirmations, so again do keep looking for opportunities.
Here’s to keeping all our fingers crossed for an uninterrupted 2022 Programme!!
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Dublin to Liverpool | 23rd May 2022 to 25th May 2022
Sail Training Ireland
Apply Now!
Calling at various ports along the way where you will experience our beautiful coastline from a different perspective.
You will see:
You will get to:
No experience required.
Fee: €375
Dublin | 20th June 2022 to 26th June 2022
Sail Training Ireland
Apply Now!
No experience necessary.
Filled with fun, challenge and adventure. Where you will experience our beautiful coastline from a different perspective.
You will get to:
Fee: €750