Our Handover as Bosuns - by Ocean College Students


Our Handover as Bosuns - by Ocean College Students

Being a Bosun is great. We learned everything about sails and sail theory. We were able to call sail operations and work aloft or on the bowsprit. If a sail or a line ripped, it was our job to fix that and make sure that everything is safe. Almost every group of our handovers had the opportunity to experience a different kind of drill and get into the fire emergency suits. That was a lot of fun. No matter the weather, us Bosuns couldn't be stopped.  

Even in heavy weather or cold, our work continued. A Bosun’s day starts at 0700hrs with a meeting with the First Mate, discussing the tasks for the day. At 0800hrs we have a staff meeting on the bridge. The Bosun team look at the tasks they have to do during the day and after that, the work can start! 

Every handover completed different jobs. Some of us had the opportunity to oil different parts of the Pelican aloft, others de-rusted the ship to make it white again. Because of all our hard work, we have a little break at 1000hrs. We work until 1700hrs, dinner time. Sometimes a Bosun gets called in the middle of the night to coordinate the sail handling. All of us had a lot of fun during the handover and learned the hard work Bosuns put into the safety of the ship. 

Being a Bosun is not easy but a really cool job. Thank you to the Bosun department for showing us so much and giving us so many opportunities to work by ourselves.  

For more information contact:

T: +44 (0) 1305 839835