seas your future news
Seas Your Future Media Ambassador Visits TS Pelican!
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Each winter, The Pelican of London heads off on a Trans-Atlantic adventure as a sailing classroom with an exchange programme for up to 35 students, with our partner, Ocean College.

The programme is a ‘School on a Ship’. It is an adventurous, exciting alternative to traditional lessons in an old dusty school building. Ocean College turns a traditional sailing ship into a travelling classroom for high school students and gap year students.

The Winter Voyage provides professional coaching, and nautical training, on top of traditional school education. Students are divided into classes of up to ten people. While one class is below deck learning mathematics or geography, another group is on deck engaged in ship-related activities. Duties are exchanged regularly, so that all students are given equal opportunity to experience watch, ship cleaning, cooking and, of course, cover their required school content.

You can follow the Pelican's progress on our live tracker and read the daily blog HERE

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Crew and students share experiences with you on their Seas Your Future voyages with College Partners.

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Each Spring, when Pelican returns from her winter Atlantic Adventure, we set about delivering an exciting and engaging summer programme.

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T: +44 (0) 1305 839835
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