Meet Benjamin, a future Pelican crew-member, from Lerwick, Shetland!!


Meet Benjamin, a future Pelican crew-member, from Lerwick, Shetland!!

On our visit to Lerwick in the Shetland Isles last week we made a new friend! We were thrilled to welcome Benjamin, aged 7, to Pelican, who wanted to know all about the ship, how we sail, and then came and waved us off when we left.

He has sailing in his family blood: Benjamin’s mum was an engineer in the merchant navy, and so we have asked him to keep in touch with us, and then when he is 14 he can sail as a trainee member of the crew.

To remind Benjamin of his visit he was presented with a Pelican badge. He waved us off from a local vantage point, The Knab, where his Granny Wynne (Alf) and Grandad Derrick took these super photos.

Thank you for coming to see us Benjamin: please keep in touch with us and follow our voyages. And thank you Mum, Granny and Grandad for giving us permission to post this to our website.

For more information contact: 
T: +44 (0) 1305 839835