Let's welcome this week's Scientist in Residence, Nigel Welford!


Let's welcome this week's Scientist in Residence, Nigel Welford!

"Hey folks, I’m Nigel and I’ll be a Resident Scientist aboard the Pelican. I’m a 24-year-old master’s student at the University of Edinburgh studying Marine Systems and Policy, and I’m super passionate about protecting our planet’s marine resources and promoting their sustainable use in current and future food and manufacturing processes.
Whilst aboard Peli, I plan on working with projects closely linked to microalgae and other phytoplanktonic organisms as my personal project, whilst working with on-board resident scientists mapping out seaweed community distributions and percentage cover on the shore! Pretty cool stuff, I know. Beyond that, I plan on learning more on how to work aboard a tall ship, and hopefully grow my sea-legs a little more."
Welcome, Nigel!

For more information contact:

T: +44 (0) 1305 839835