Counting Down the Days! - Megan Derrick


31 December 2021
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Counting Down the Days! - Megan Derrick

On Sunday, the 2nd of January, Project Costa Rica is planned to begin. Before the scientists hop on board, all of this week, there will be blog posts written by each one of the scientists shared to our newsfeed. To learn more about Project Costa Rica Click Here.

Counting Down the Days! - Megan Derrick

For this voyage, I’m excited to put all knowledge and theory based teachings into practice and get some hands-on data collection experience. I’m looking forward to spending time at sea on an incredible tall ship and learn all about sailing on the open ocean. I’m excited to not only find out what my data reveals but also be a part of finding out what my fellow scientists uncover too.

This is definitely an extraordinary opportunity and I’m counting down the days till I leave!



For more information contact: 
T: +44 (0) 1305 839835