And so it begins...


18 August 2021
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And so it begins...

The 2021 week long voyage for 15-18 year olds has well and truly begun!

On Monday and Tuesday the voyage crew began learning the ropes by quite literally learning the ropes and how to tie knots, as well as learning how watches work, climbing the riggings and fire safety etc.

On a TS Pelican Voyage everyday is an adventure and plans have changed already!!

Last night, we motored 78 miles from London and anchored off Margate which I believe one or two of you spotted us there!

The plan originally was to head south to the Channel and Poole, but decision this morning is to go the other way and head north towards Great Yarmouth. This is because of wind direction. Captain Chris is hopeful that we will sail both ways, north for the next couple of days, refuel, then head south towards Dover and Folkestone.

What a start to a voyage!

Remember to Follow our Social Media accounts for the latest updates and more!

Instagram: Seasyourfuture

LinkedIn: Seas Your Future

Facebook: Tall Ship Pelican

Twitter: Seas_your

For more information contact: 
T: +44 (0) 1305 839835